Sunny and Cloudy Day Portraits

Photos by: Munizay Paracha
The quality of light on your subject can dramatically alter the dynamics of your photo. This assignment illustrates some of the differences between direct light of a bright sunny day and indirect light of a cloudy day.Do each set of shots on both a sunny day and a cloudy day.
Take all shots outside with a PLAIN background, not sky or white background
Take all photos in VERTICAL (portrait) format
Use same subject for all pictures
Use ISO 200 if possible, and 400 if need be.
Use shutter speed of 1/125 or 1/250 for all pictures.
Set your f-stop according to your light meter and histogram, use camera monitor to verify exposure.
Position yourself with the sun behind you to one side. Side light is best.
Frame face tightly and focus on the eyes
Upload two each of cloudy and sunny day portraits. Choose your best of each situation.
Please bring your SD or CF card to class with your camera or cable to connect to computer.